Through comic mayhem from the White House to the heartland, four slayers face off against new kinds of evolved zombies and new human survivors.
Completely disappointing
By Black-Camel
This zombie sequel attempts to ruin the original.
Wish I had never seen it.
Great sequel
By KJL1866
So glad the whole cast came back for this. Makes a change that no one had to be replaced. Loved the first movie and this does not disappoint. Runs with the same ideas and humour that made the first film so great but expands and develops further. Fun movie, well worth a watch.
Great for fans
By ferrariwa
If you’ve watched the first movie and enjoyed it this will be no different ..
Otherwise i thought it was a fun watch but misses the twists and surprises of the original.
The female character leads do not have the chemistry from the previous movie and most of the new characters are average.
There are a few cameos but this doesn’t improve the movie so overall a good but definitely not a Terminator 2 level sequel (watch it to understand this reference)...
How did the actors agree to make this
By Judge Dr
Good cast. But the movie was god awful. Moronic beyond words, not remotely funny just dumb, predictable and flat.
No idea why these actors signed up for it.
Not even worth renting.
Ok as sequels go.
By kempo23
The trouble with sequels is that usually they follow a similar formula that made the first one that good, unfortunately that is the same with film, although set quite sometime after the first one, follows the team splitting and finding that sometimes it’s better to stay together.
Great Sequal
By Filmrocker82
Sure it’s been a long time coming, but I was relieved to discover that this was a fun and generally worthy sequel to the cult classic original.
The film isn’t afraid to take chances and expand on the world of zombie land, while also offering us some much needed further character development with our lovable heroes.
May require a second viewing after some time to recognise its brilliance as there is plenty of jokes, references and fun to be had here which won’t easily be absorbed on the first viewing. Roll on Zombie Land 3 in ten years time.
Emma Stones in it so shut up
By Rass Greenham
Realistically its amazing that they actually managed to get Emma stone back in this so lets all just appreciate that for a second. ALSO i just rememberd Luke wilsons in this so thats always nice. Yeah emma stone and luke wilson, pretty good flick
Pointless sequel
By J1Ch
Loved the first film and this was a major disappointment, dull and forgettable.
Originality long gone...!
By El warbo
The first film was fresh and snappy, this is laboured and melodic. Nothing new happens, it’s the same formula, really hated it.!
Time to Nut up or Shut up
By The GreatOryx
Passed my key test of not making me fall asleep while watching on a flight. Indeed laughed a bit too loudly a couple of times. Excellent film building on the first