Think you know Porky? Think again. Created by Bob Clampett and voiced by the legendary Mel Blanc, Porky Pig was the first true animated star to break out in the Golden Age of Warner Bros. animation. In this treasure trove of fifteen classic shorts from 1936 to 1949, Porky Pig is featured front and center as something of an animated Everyman. Not only is he a farmer (“Often an Orphan”), a lumberjack (“Porky Chops”), an Eskimo (“Polar Pals”), and a Caveman (“Prehistoric Porky”), but we also witness Porky’s escaped convict double (“Porky’s Double Trouble”), Porky as a member of the French Foreign Legion (“Little Beau Porky”), and even as a pig in a pyramid in ancient Egypt (“Porky in Egypt”). With early appearances from Looney Tunes icons such as Charlie Dog (“Porky’s Pooch”), Petunia Pig (“Porky’s Romance”) and even a Bugs Bunny prototype (“Patient Porky”), Volume 2 of this not-to-be-missed collection definitely prove that, when it comes to Porky Pig, “Th-th-th-that’s not all folks!”
Title | Time | Price | ||
1 | Often an Orphan | 07:31 | GBP 1.89 | Buy on iTunes |
2 | Confusion of a Nutzy Spy | 07:36 | GBP 1.89 | Buy on iTunes |
3 | Scaredy Cat | 07:22 | GBP 1.89 | Buy on iTunes |
4 | Porky's Double Trouble | 07:40 | GBP 1.89 | Buy on iTunes |
5 | Porky in Egypt | 06:56 | GBP 1.89 | Buy on iTunes |
6 | Porky Chops | 06:56 | GBP 1.89 | Buy on iTunes |
7 | Little Beau Porky | 08:10 | GBP 1.89 | Buy on iTunes |
8 | Porky of the Northwoods | 07:21 | GBP 1.89 | Buy on iTunes |
9 | Porky's Poor Fish | 06:50 | GBP 1.89 | Buy on iTunes |
10 | Porky's Poultry Plant | 08:00 | GBP 1.89 | Buy on iTunes |
11 | Polar Pals | 06:29 | GBP 1.89 | Buy on iTunes |
12 | Porky's Pooch | 07:06 | GBP 1.89 | Buy on iTunes |
13 | Porky's Poppa | 07:17 | GBP 1.89 | Buy on iTunes |
14 | Prehistoric Porky | 07:16 | GBP 1.89 | Buy on iTunes |
15 | Patient Porky | 06:09 | GBP 1.89 | Buy on iTunes |