This hard-hitting and emotional series which follows Detective Elliot Stabler (Christopher Meloni) and his partner Detective Olivia Benson (Emmy-winner Mariska Hargitay) has striking surprises in store for the season. When Connie Nielson (Gladiator) guest stars as Stabler's beautiful and multi-talented new partner for six episodes, things heat up on the streets of New York — and the elite squad is forced to take even bigger risks. In its great tradition of outstanding guest-star performances, this season promises such names as Jerry Lewis, Academy Award winner Marcia Gay Harden and other celebrated talent. Big shows, new stars and contemporary story lines make for a year unlike any other as the hit series continues to intrigue.
Title | Time | Price | ||
1 | Informed | 42:42 | GBP 1.89 | Buy on iTunes |
2 | Clock | 42:16 | GBP 1.89 | Buy on iTunes |
3 | Recall | 42:32 | GBP 1.89 | Buy on iTunes |
4 | Uncle | 42:15 | GBP 1.89 | Buy on iTunes |
5 | Confrontation | 42:39 | GBP 1.89 | Buy on iTunes |
6 | Infiltrated | 42:07 | GBP 1.89 | Buy on iTunes |
7 | Underbelly | 41:20 | GBP 1.89 | Buy on iTunes |
8 | Cage | 41:58 | GBP 1.89 | Buy on iTunes |
9 | Choreographed | 41:05 | GBP 1.89 | Buy on iTunes |
10 | Scheherezade | 42:56 | GBP 1.89 | Buy on iTunes |
11 | Burned | 42:10 | GBP 1.89 | Buy on iTunes |
12 | Outsider | 42:54 | GBP 1.89 | Buy on iTunes |
13 | Loophole | 42:35 | GBP 1.89 | Buy on iTunes |
14 | Dependent | 41:12 | GBP 1.89 | Buy on iTunes |
15 | Haystack | 42:10 | GBP 1.89 | Buy on iTunes |
16 | Philadelphia | 42:52 | GBP 1.89 | Buy on iTunes |
17 | Sin | 42:56 | GBP 1.89 | Buy on iTunes |
18 | Responsible | 42:37 | GBP 1.89 | Buy on iTunes |
19 | Florida | 42:55 | GBP 1.89 | Buy on iTunes |
20 | Annihilated | 42:47 | GBP 1.89 | Buy on iTunes |
21 | Pretend | 41:42 | GBP 1.89 | Buy on iTunes |
22 | Screwed | 42:45 | GBP 1.89 | Buy on iTunes |