In Lucasfilm’s Star Wars: The Last Jedi, the Skywalker saga continues as the heroes of The Force Awakens join the galactic legends in an epic adventure that unlocks new mysteries of the Force and shocking revelations of the past.
This is not the film you’re looking for
By ChubyChecker
A real let down and the worst of the latest three. Belongs with Episodes 2 and 3 as the worst SW movies. Real shame especially when people talk about red salt as if it’s enough to make the film great. No. Just no.
The absolute worst movie ever made.
By Yuppymike
If you have any interest in Star Wars then avoid this terrible movie.
No 4K
By KenVal111
No 4K no purchase.
Great film
By ry87
It seems everyone who is complaining just holds the original films in such high regard that the next 5 or 500 films wouldn’t be good enough,yes they were decent at the time but have outdated badly.with phantom menace staring the second trilogy with the superb darth maul that everyone hated,I bet if the original films didn’t exist,far more would enjoy the darth maul trilogy and Disney trilogy.i guess I’m lucky to only be 33 and not be around for the originals so can enjoy the newer films
Good movie
By fgghgvdc
I personally think it is a great movie the only reason it has four stars was the canto bite scene didn’t enjoy that luckily the acting, planets and directing were beautiful
Dear god what an awful movie.
By yeetus the bear
Visually it’s not much better than okay, but the story and the script are atrocious.
The choreography in the fight scenes is appalling as well. Watch the scene in Snokes chamber and watch the characters in the background just falling over and waiting for their cues.
Awful movie and is probably just as bad as Attack of the Clones
Star Wars: The Last Jedi Review
By sinfeild
Worst film ever , not worthwhile to watch this at all. Rian Johnson and Disney have ruined Star Wars for good
It’s Star Wars...
By MisterVallance
Ignore the orchestrated online hate towards this, if you like Star Wars this is what you get, is it perfect? No, no Star Wars movie is, but it’s still a wonderful movie. I’d give it 4 stars but I’m giving it an extra one to counter all the OTT 1 star reviews...
Disney reboots continue to be awful
By Just_Me_222
Acting, storylines are awful. Rogue One is the exception but Disney have really ruined Star Wars.
Just watched it on Disney....
How did they get this so wrong. Lazy writing is the best I can say. It’s dire.
This movie should have been called “The Last Star Wars Movie”.
They should fire everyone associated with this mess.