The series follows a group of crew members living and working aboard "Honor," a 164’ mega-yacht. The upstairs and downstairs worlds collide when this young and single crew, known as "yachties," live, love, and work together on-board the luxurious, privately-owned yacht while tending to the ever-changing needs of their wealthy, demanding charter guests. While each crew member brings a different level of experience, they all share a love for this lifestyle that enables them to travel to some of the most beautiful and exotic locales in the world. Each episode features a different set of charter guests moving onto the boat from millionaires, to entertainers to hard-partying groups of well-heeled friends.
Title | Time | Price | ||
1 | Cool Your Jets | 43:02 | GBP 1.89 | Buy on iTunes |
2 | It's Not Easy Being Green | 43:02 | GBP 1.89 | Buy on iTunes |
3 | Luggage, Luggage Everywhere | 43:02 | GBP 1.89 | Buy on iTunes |
4 | I'm Living With The Devil | 43:02 | GBP 1.89 | Buy on iTunes |
5 | Drinking With the Enemy | 43:02 | GBP 1.89 | Buy on iTunes |
6 | Naughty Yachties | 43:02 | GBP 1.89 | Buy on iTunes |
7 | There's a New Captain In Town | 43:02 | GBP 1.89 | Buy on iTunes |
8 | Land Ahoy...Finally | 43:02 | GBP 1.89 | Buy on iTunes |
9 | Reunion | 43:02 | GBP 1.89 | Buy on iTunes |
10 | The Crew Tells All | 43:02 | GBP 1.89 | Buy on iTunes |
11 | Dude, That's a Dude, Dude | 43:02 | GBP 1.89 | Buy on iTunes |