Following the animal antics of Series 4, we rejoin our beloved characters in the glorious Yorkshire Dales in Spring 1941, three months after the events of the Christmas special. James and Helen are navigating their new life and roles, and everyone at Skeldale is adjusting to having a baby in the house. War in Europe hangs in the shadows of the rolling hills and idyllic streets of Darrowby, as with Series 4, the dark is always balanced with the light. The warmth and humour of our Skeldale family sit at the heart of the show, promising the uplifting viewing that audiences know and love.
Title | Time | Price | ||
1 | To All Our Boys | 46:01 | GBP 1.89 | Buy on iTunes |
2 | Holding the Baby | 45:00 | GBP 1.89 | Buy on iTunes |
3 | Homecoming | 45:09 | GBP 1.89 | Buy on iTunes |
4 | Uninvited Guests | 45:23 | GBP 1.89 | Buy on iTunes |
5 | Pair Bond | 45:21 | GBP 1.89 | Buy on iTunes |
6 | Glass Half Full | 46:00 | GBP 1.89 | Buy on iTunes |