The Chopin Shorts is a collection of animations made by award winning directors, produced to accompany the Puppet Animation film The Magic Piano. All the Chopin Shorts are set to a Chopin etude performed by Chinese Pianist Lang Lang. The Arts Collection all combine fine art with fine music and fine stories, and features the Worlds first 3D painting Animation film, Little Postman, set to Chopin's magnificent Revolutionary Etude. Little Postman by Director Dorota Kobiela won all the top 3D short film prizes in 2012. Also from Dorota Kobiela is Chopin's Drawings, a hand drawn film based on the actual drawings that Chopin made when he was a boy. Scarecrow brings to life the works of painter Duda Gracz in an esoteric and meditative fable. All films are set to beautiful interpretations of the Etudes by one of the World's greatest concert pianists.