Academy Award-nominated sequel to the smash western, "Young Guns," reunites original cast members Emilio Estevez ("The Mighty Ducks" trilogy, "Stakeout") as outlaw Billy the Kid and his fellow gang members Emmy-nominee and Golden Globe-winner Kiefer Sutherland (TV's "24," "A Time to Kill"), and Golden Globe-nominee Lou Diamond Phillips ("Courage Under Fire," "Stand and Deliver"). Newcomer Christian Slater ("Interview with the Vampire," "True Romance") joins the action as the young gunslingers find themselves heading towards a climactic showdown with Sheriff Pat Garret, Billy's former friend. Co-starring Academy Award-winner James Coburn ("Snow Dogs," "Monsters Inc."), Alan Ruck ("Cheaper By the Dozen," "Twister") and Viggo Mortenson ("The Lord of the Rings" trilogy, "A Perfect Murder"). With original songs by rock superstar Jon Bon Jovi, including the Academy Award-nominated and Golden Globe-winning theme song, "Blaze of Glory."