In a sweet, slapstick retelling of a classic tale, Daffy Duck plays a modern Scrooge with a lesson to learn about the meaning of Christmas. Daffy enters our story as the heartless owner of the incredibly lucrative "Lucky Duck" department store chain. He hates the Holidays and truth be told, everything else - except money. Through the example set by Porky Pig's daughter, Pricilla and the relentless "prodding" of Bugs Bunny and the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future (played by Classic Looney Tune staples Granny, Tweety, Yosemite Sam and Taz) Daffy eventually opens up his heart and even his wallet. In the end, a battered Daffy is transformed from an "Anti-Claus" to Santa Claus and vows to mend his ways forever. Or at least until he sees that first quarter profits are down.