Academy Award and Golden Globe-nominated director Chris Nolan ("Memento," "Insomnia"), explores the origins of the Batman legend and the Dark Knight's emergence as a force for good in Gotham City. Christian Bale ("Reign of Fire," "American Psycho"), stars as the masked crusader who uses strength, intellect and high tech weaponry to fight sinister forces that threaten the city. The A-list cast includes Academy Award and Golden Globe-nominees Liam Neeson ("Kingdom of Heaven"), Tom Wilkinson ("Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind") and Ken Watanabe ("The Last Samurai"). Also stars Emmy-nominated Gary Oldman ("Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban"), Golden Globe-winner Rutger Hauer ("Sin City"), Golden Globe-nominee Cillian Murphy ("Cold Mountain," "28 Days Later"), Katie Holmes (TV's "Dawson's Creek"), Academy Award-winner Morgan Freeman ("Million Dollar Baby") and Academy Award and Golden Globe-winner Michael Caine ("Bewitched").