Disney's 20th full-length animated masterpiece, The Aristocats is an unforgettable mix of wild adventure, colorful characters, and jazzy music your family will find absolutely irresistible! This enchanting tale begins in Paris, when a kind and eccentric millionairess wills her entire estate to her family a family of adorable high-society cats. But when Edgar, the greedy butler, overhears her plan, he catnaps Duchess, the elegant, soft spoken mother, and her three mischievous kittens and abandons them in the French countryside. Soon, they're being escorted home by the charming Thomas O'Malley, a rough and tumble alley cat, who takes them to his "pad" along the way, where Scat Cat and his band of swingin' jazz cats perform the memorable "Ev'rybody Wants To Be A Cat." Enriched by "highstyle Disney animation" (The New Yorker) and toetapping music by Academy Award winning songwriters the Sherman brothers (Mary Poppins), The Aristocats is a timeless treasure and the last animated feature to get the nod from Walt Disney himself.